Monday, 3 May 2010


Bullying has fast become a problem in the UK and it doesn’t just exist in Schools as many would believe. It also has a presence in the workplace leading to many people quitting their jobs, becoming stressed and in the worse cases some people even take their own lives. With facts such as these it suggests a very worrying position in society and presents the question: Should more be done to tackle this?

These statistics compiled by the NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children) suggest that there are a high percentage of children being bullied; ‘31% of children experienced bullying by their peers during childhood, a further 7% were discriminated against and 14% were made to feel different or 'like an outsider'. 43% experienced at least one of these things during childhood’ and on a more concerning note ‘A quarter of children bullied by their peers reported that they suffered long term harmful effects lasting into adulthood.’

Having this knowledge, it leads me to wonder whether those who are bullied in their school life, may be those who are bullied in their careers, this may be due to low self-esteem that is caused by bullying. ‘Workplace harassment, which can include bullying and teasing, is one of the major causes of stress in the workplace. In fact, bullying in the workplace costs employers more than £2bn per year in sick pay, staff turnover and lower productivity.’ Again this may come as quite a shock, if bullying is causing this loss in industry, shouldn’t more be done about it?

Unfortunately it appears that bullying is a problem and if it is as serious as it is made out in statistics, then I believe that something should be done about it. After all people’s lives are more important than other issues that make the headlines or the government’s schedule.

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