Monday 15 March 2010


There are many different reasons as to why people use drugs. Some are used for the sake of people's health, while some are used recreationally. However in the case of both it can also become an addiction.

So why do people voluntarily take drugs when there is no need to do so? Many would probably argue that they enjoy the 'buzz' that is gained from taking certain drugs. For example cannabis is known to be used in certain countries for pain relief, typically how morphine has been used in the UK by hospitals. It is interesting to consider then, why people smoke cannabis as a past time.

The following statistics suggest that the use of cannabis is common amongst young adults in the UK:

'The most commonly used drug by young people was cannabis, which had been used by 30 per cent of young men and 18 per cent of young women in the previous year'.

What is most interesting about the use of cannabis, is the penalty that can be issued if found using the drug and/or distributing it. The Home Office states Cannabis as a Class B drug and the penalty for possession being 'Up to five years in prison or an unlimited fine or both'. While the distribution of it can land you with 'Up to 14 years in prison or an unlimited fine or both'.

Yet as the above statistics prove, people are still choosing to use cannabis with the risk of punishment if caught. There appears to be no logical answer then, as to why people choose to use drugs and more importantly, to distribute them.

It has been known for Ecstasy to be used on the party scene, with certain cases of people taking the drug with major consequences. Again why do people need to take the drug in order to enjoy themselves? It seems the question is unanswerable.

There are many people that disagree with the laws imposed upon drugs and believe that a change should be made in society, with their major reasoning being that it is a persons decision to take drugs, the same as someone chooses to drink or smoke.

This website: has been set up to aid people in the smoking of cannabis and features the title 'The UK Cannabis Internet Activists'. They believe that the outlook to smoking cannabis should be changed.

The question raised by many is; should it be a persons own choice to use drugs? Evidently not by the standards of modern society.

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