Wednesday 28 April 2010


Pornography is considered by many as a taboo, certain people believe that it shouldn’t be looked at and shouldn’t be spoken about. But is it really that bad? Obviously there is an age restriction on pornography; you see in newsagents that it is ‘top shelf material’ and is usually covered by a piece of paper that reads ‘you must be 18 or over to purchase this item’. However this may be becoming a thing of the past as the internet has fast become a resource for viewing pornography online.

It is interesting to consider why porn is considered to be such a bad thing, as with many other things, it was created for a reason. If people weren’t interested in looking at pornographic images or watching porn, the industry would have died a long time ago. I believe that it should definitely be something that people view in private as there is a reason it has an age restriction placed on it, however I don’t think people should condemn it as such an appalling thing. Perhaps it could be argued that it is entirely normal as sex is something which is a completely natural occurrence to our species and if people choose to watch films which demonstrate this then that is their choice.
As always perhaps it can also be argued that viewing porn can have a downside to it, as some people can become addicted to it which can have unfortunate results for them. There has recently been a scandal in the US in which The Securities and Exchange Commission, who police Wall Street, were ordered to investigate the use of government computers and they found that 30 people had been ‘repeatedly viewing porn’. The two worst cases included a lawyer and an accountant; the lawyer had spent ‘spent up to eight hours a day viewing and downloading pornography’ and also burned porn to DVD’s that he ‘kept in boxes around his office’. This led to him resigning from his position, was this out of embarrassment or pressure from his employer? Interestingly ‘The accountant was blocked more than 16,000 times in a month from visiting porn websites’ but returned to work after being suspended for two weeks. Therefore in certain circumstances, it is understandable as to why people view porn in such a bad way, especially if people working for the government aren’t actually doing their work.

I suppose that this is a 50/50 situation, you either agree with pornography, or you don’t.

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