Thursday 6 May 2010

General Election.

I thought it would be extremely relevant to make my final posting on the voting of the general election, which I’m sure everyone is aware, is taking place today. So why is it that I am making this post? After all is it BAD? I think so, yes. We are currently experiencing one of the closest races for government title that Britain has seen in a long time.

What I find quite astonishing is the televised debates that have been taken over our TV screens for the past few weeks. The first one started off very professional, but the ones that came after resorted to the 3 main party leaders (Gordon Brown, David Cameron and Nick Clegg) attacking each other and pretty much making a fool out of each other for their own personal gain. I believe this is bad, aren’t they supposed to be making themselves appeal to the country who are voting? No I believe they are all in it for their selves, which is quite disgusting.

For weeks now, I have heard a lot of people saying that Britain needs a change, correct. But what we don’t need is someone who is making promises for a ‘fair’ society when all he will do is drive Britain further down the drain. Yes I am talking about Cameron and I’m sure you can tell that I do not support the values of Conservatives. I wasn’t even born last time the Tories were in power, but I have done the research and I know we had TWO recessions under the Tories, and only ONE with Labour. It is fair to assume ZERO would have been better, but it the naivety of people is starting to aggravate me.

The Daily Mirror printed an extremely interesting front cover this morning in a last ditch attempt to try and sway people away from Conservative who are currently in the lead in most of the polls. I believe that this comment sums up perfectly how wrong Cameron is for Britain:

‘If David Cameron is the next prime minister, how is he going to handle the class thing? For it hasn't gone away, the attempt to persuade us all that he is just like everyone else, an ordinary middle-class sort of guy, and Britain is a classless society. He isn't and, however much I wish it was, Britain isn't either.’

Unfortunately I am aware that not everyone shares the same view as me.

(The Daily Mirror cover and accompanying article can be found here:

As a first time voter, I think it is very important that everyone uses their vote because the public needs to show that we are in charge and by staying at home isn’t really showing this. I firmly believe that changes need to be made in Britain and yes Gordon Brown has made mistakes, however let us no forget it was Tony Blair that left us in this mess. I believe that Labour should be given a chance to prove what they are planning to put into effect.
Nonetheless this time tomorrow we shall all be aware of who is in the charge of our country. In the words of Nick Clegg: ‘Vote with your heart, don’t settle for second best!’

And on that note, I bid you all farewell. Thanks for reading!

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